Web App


Deploy an application

Find example applications from the tutorial documentation.
Video below from a deployment of the CloudBackend Web Ui Kanban tutorial.

Copy an app, modify as needed and deploy it for external use.

A client class has been set up.

The end user has been set up.
It is possible to let users create their own user account.
Password recovery is included in the service.

Installation steps:

  1. Open the documentation and the tutorial example Kanban.
  2. Find the complete code at the end.
  3. Run it from the documentation.
  4. Copy the code into a tenant application.
  5. Test-run from here.
  6. Deploy the application so it can be accessed from the web.
  7. Add logo.
  8. Go to the new web site.
  9. Login as a user.
  10. This is now a secure web application where users can view and add data.