

SDK Mobile & IoT (C++)

Create your own applications and reports.

Exchange data and listen on shared data for changes done by other group members and collaborate in real time between platforms.

Mixed synchronous and asynchroneous programming API for all communication seamlessly with the cloud service.


Code examples

select — query
// Check if the name the user wants to create // already exist in the parent container. std::shared_ptr<QueryDelegate> queryDelegate = std::make_shared<QueryDelegate>(); cbe::QueryResult::ItemsSnapshot resultSet; // My top root container to be used as parent - home:// // in which to create the new sub-container cbe::Container parentContainer = cloudBackend.account().rootContainer(); cloudBackend.query(parentContainer.id(), queryDelegate); // Wait until the delegate has received a response from the cloud service. queryDelegate->waitForRsp(); // Check if error if (queryDelegate->errorInfo) { // Yes, error... std::cout << "Warning: Query failed!" << std::endl; std::cout << "errorInfo = " << queryDelegate->errorInfo << std::endl; std::cout << "Exiting." << std::endl; cloudBackend.terminate(); return 3; // Bail out - Due to failed query } else { resultSet = queryDelegate->queryResult.getItemsSnapshot(); std::cout << "after getItemsSnapshot" << std::endl; // Look through the parent container to check // if the name has already been used. for (cbe::Item& item : resultSet) { // std::cout << item.name() << std::endl; if (item.name() == containerName) { std::cout << "Warning: Container already exists! " << item.name() << " (" << item.id() << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "Exiting." << std::endl; cloudBackend.terminate(); return 2; } } }
insert — store object
// Define which file to upload from the local system. std::shared_ptr<UploadDelegate> uploadDelegate = std::make_shared<UploadDelegate>(); std::string fileName = "w2.xml"; std::string filePath = "Upload_files/"; // Upload the file to the newly created container. newContainer.upload(fileName, filePath, uploadDelegate); // Wait until the delegate has received a response from the cloud service. uploadDelegate->waitForRsp(); // Check if error if (uploadDelegate->errorInfo) { // Yes, error... std::cout << "Warning: Upload failed!" << std::endl; std::cout << "errorInfo = " << uploadDelegate->errorInfo << std::endl; std::cout << "Exiting." << std::endl; }

Cross-platform experience

Seamless exchange of data between C++ and other client platforms.

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