
SDK for iOS

Download the SDK bundle from github here.
Video below from an installation of the CloudBackend SDK on iOS.

SDK installation on iOS.

Build in the Swift using xcode.

Explore the Swift Examples included and tutorial in the documentation.

Installation steps:

  1. Download the package, then unzip the file.
  2. Open XCode and create a new project.
  3. Select iOS and App, then hit next.
  4. Name your application.
  5. Input your team and Organization identifier.
  6. Under interface select Storyboard, for Language select Swift, then hit next.
  7. Save your project.
  8. Import the files you downloaded.
  9. Logic 1-2-3 are optional test files.
  10. When the library and the header files are imported, we head in to the projects Build Phases and add lib C++.
  11. Go to the Build Settings, here we set the search paths to headers and libraries.
  12. Note! For the headers, select recursive search path since there are multiple levels of header files.
  13. For the library search paths, be sure to remove the name of the library in the path if you drag and drop it.
  14. Set the Bridging Header in the build settings, search for "swift compiler" and then select the "Objective-C Bridging Header".
  15. Drag and drop the bridging header from the header files directory.
  16. Finally, select a Run Destination and hit Command + B to build your project.