Swift & Objective-C


SDK Mobile & IoT (iOS)

Create your own iOS applications.

The SDK provides an easy-to-use interface for storing and retrieving data, making it simpler and faster to develop applications.

API to access the data including seamless communication with the cloud service.


Code examples

select — query
var qR = container.query(self); if let queryResult = qR { let items:[CBEItem] = queryResult.getItemsSnapshot() as! [CBEItem]; var container:CBEContainer var count:Int = 0 while count < items.count { let item:CBEItem = items[count] //as! CBEItem print("testSDK item \(count) \(String(describing: item)) \(String(describing: item.name()))"); count+=1 } }


insert — store object
func onUploadSuccess(_ object: CBEObject!) { NSLog("onUploadSuccess success %@", object.name()); } func onUploadError(_ error: CBEError!, context: CBEContext!) { NSLog("onUploaderror, error: ‰@, context: %@", error, context); } let dataToUpload: Data? = "This is the test data for iOS".data(using: .utf8) myContainer.upload("fileName", length: UInt64(dataToUpload!.count), data: dataToUpload, delegate: self)


login with callbacks
func onLog(inSuccess cloudBackend: CloudBackend!) { NSLog("LogIn success "); NSLog("LogIn success account %@", cloudBackend.account()); NSLog("LogIn success account %@ %u", cloudBackend.account().username(), cloudBackend.account().userId()) NSLog("LogIn success container %@", cloudBackend.account().rootContainer()); NSLog("LogIn success container %@", cloudBackend.account().rootContainer()); NSLog("LogIn success container %@", cloudBackend.account().rootContainer().name()); } // onLogSuccess func onLog(inError error: CBEError!, context: CBEContext!) { NSLog("LogIn error "); if let a = error { NSLog("ErrorCode: %u, reason: %@, message: %@", a.errorCode, a.reason, a.message) } if let b = context { NSLog("Function: %@, report: %@", b.fnName, b.report) } } // onLogError // --- Driver Code --- func runTests(){ NSLog("calling login "); let myUsername : String = "abcd"; let myPassword : String = "efgh"; let myTenant : String = "SE1234"; CloudBackend.login(myUsername, password:myPassword, tenant:myTenant, delegate:self); }

iOS app data

The cloud database for iPhone, iPad and Mac OS.


Cross-platform experience

Seamless exchange of data between Swift and other client platforms.

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