layers CloudBackend provide customers with a database in the cloud to build apps on ranging from mobile, web, to IoT. The database is decentralized all the way from cloud and edge to the local device to maximize performance and minimize latency. This enables CloudBackend customers to build solutions for connectivity, mesh networks, edge computing, data management, AI/ML, federated AI, autonomous vehicles, and drones. Customers benefit from a secure, decentralized, synced data model across a low latency distributed network. The CloudBackend SDK transports data to/from any device or app across the cloud, edge, or self organizing network (mesh). The service and technology are a foundational and complimentary technology to get the most out of 3G/4G/5G/Satellites, and AI/ML.


SQL is the standard query language for relational databases. This thesis will explore if it can be used to query, update, and insert data in a new type of decentralized and hierarchical database that combines properties of an objects, key/value, hierarchical graphs, and relational databases into one. The focus on the thesis will be on how to translate the powerful features of CloudBackend into the limited syntax of SQL to make the database approachable for anyone with SQL training.

With this thesis suitable for one person, we wish to address the following questions and establish a methodology and implementation for how data resources in CloudBackend can be accessed and queried using SQL statements.

  • How is SQL statements translated to the internal data format of CloudBackend?
  • How is data queried using SQL statements?
  • How is data updated and inserted using SQL statements?
  • Can hierarchical data types be a solution similar to how the Snowflake database allows SQL querying into JSON fields?

The thesis should implement or conclude:

  • SQL API capable of querying, updating, and inserting data into CloudBackend
  • Should use an existing open-source SQL interpreter in C++ as a starting point (chosen in discussion with CloudBackend as license and dependency issues may exist)
  • The focus of the thesis is to come up with how SQL should be translated into statements understandable for CloudBackend and implement the methodology in an existing SQL interpreter
  • The SQL statements shall work with arbitrary data and data models in CloudBackend

The implementation is required to be in C++ on Ubuntu Linux and should be built on top of the CloudBackend C++ SDK. All work will be done from the CloudBackend AB main office and/or from home in Linköping. Proof of citizenship in one of the European Union states is required.

Daniel Arthursson, CEO