The database includes a modern set of tools for eXstensible Markup Language (XML) creation, collaboration, storage, manipulation, retrieval and editing.
Anything described in JSON may be described in XML, but since XML is more complete, the opposite is not always possible.
For local development the CloudBackend for Visual Studio Code is available which includes integration of IntelliSense for code completion and synchronization with the sourcecode in the cloud account.
The database also has a built-in web based XML editor, XMLpad, for quick editing.
The CloudBackend Database comes with a built in Transaction Manager that handles delta changes to XML documents and the ability to coordinate changes across several identities that are accessing the same XML document at the same time for real-time collaboration purposes.
The collaboration features enabled by the Transaction Manager is very powerful and makes it easy and the default way of building applications on top of the database as multi-user collaborative applications without extra effort.